Dear Diary - How We Found Out We Were Pregnant!
I did what I tell all of my clients not to do! I took a pregnancy test 3 days before my period was supposed to start. Results aren’t accurate and its best to take 2-3 days after your expected period. I knew this but wanted to take a test anyways! Well we got a negative test. I was bummed out even though this was our “practice month” haha. I know that sounds funny but we just wanted a month where we could have unprotected sex without timing it around ovulating and putting effort into it. We were technically going to start trying next month. But I was still bummed and all of those worries about “what if I can't get pregnant” started creeping into my head. I am so grateful that my husband is so supportive and talked me out of those negative thoughts.
This month I also started keeping a citrine crystal in my bra since it helps balance and support the sacral chakra! Haha yes, I'm that kind of person, a Crunchy Mama! Your sacral chakra is about sexuality, reproduction and creativity so I thought it would help in our baby making efforts! Back to the pregnancy test ordeal! So I was coming to terms with that negative pregnancy test as the day went okay. A day or two later, i went to the bathroom and saw the pregnancy test in the garbage and something made me pick it up and look at it. I don't know what it was but I just had this urge to take a look, so I did! I picked up the pregnancy test out of our bathroom garbage and there was a super super faint second pink line!!!! I was shocked and googled it right away, as any good millennial would! I got a bunch of contradicting info which is no surprise… google always gives you the extremes and yet no reliable info, most of the time! BUT there was a very very faint second pink line!!I waited till Chris got home from work to tell him and he was calm, cool and collected (as he always is) but I was excited and nervous! Haha One of the things google did say was that after a certain amount of time, the pregnancy test won't be accurate and we were well beyond that time but I was still excited! We decided that I would wait till 3 days after my expected period to take another test.
The day rolled around when my period was supposed to start and nothing…. My excitement grew!! On the 3rd day, I woke up (the morning there will be the highest concentration of the HCG hormone in your urine) and immediately took the test. Those next 3 minutes were the longest 3 minutes. I crawled back into bed with Chris and cuddled to help pass the time. He got up and checked and there were 2 lines! This time it was clear, there were 2 lines!! We were pregnant! I was so excited, scared, nervous, so many different emotions! We just laid in bed and cuddled and soaked it all in!
those 2 little pink lines…
I remember my hands were shaking when I took this photo.. I wanted to capture the memory!