Skin Care & Pregnancy
Everyone loves a good facial once in a while, and I personally am always trying to find what’s best for my skin as it's seen its days in the sun. Now I don’t regret the fun in the sun, but I’m more mindful as to what I should or shouldn’t put on my skin.
When I was pregnant I always wondered what was safe and not safe for my skin. With social media giving us plenty of information too it can be overwhelming with which way to go with skincare. Skin issues can happen while we're pregnant due to our hormones elevating, and we see the symptoms on our skin. We hope this is only temporary but even after pregnancy keep these chemicals from our products in mind as some can interfere with our hormones causing us more symptoms and discomforts.
I ask my friend and Business owner, Aesthetician - Holistic Nutritionist, Robin Pettus about the do’s and don’ts while pregnant. She gave me THE LIST of yays and nays, and I was forever thankful for this goddess as she shared her knowledge with me.
SKIP THESE - Not Safe to Use
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a popular item, it’s in a lot of items such as soaps, cleaners, lotions, and creams. There are salicylic acid facials too that really help the skin glow, but the reality is unless it has 2% or less the dose - its best to avoid it altogether. This particular one should be avoided as it's related to aspirin which has been shown in studies to have shown taking oral sal acid during late pregnancy can increase risk of intracranial bleeding. So SKIP while pregnant and breastfeeding.
Retinoids, Retin-A, Accutane, or any prescription acne and anti-aging medications. It may be listed on ingredient labels as retinoic acid, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapalene, tretinoin, tazarotene, and isotretinoin are known to cause and have risks of birth defects.
Fragrances are made up by harmful chemicals (parabens, phthalates) that can cause irritation, redness and are disruptive to our reproductive system. Let’s leave the fragrances in our skin care items. SKIP!
Hydroquinone is a skin lighter that is found in products, and some people are not aware of it. Stay away from this ingredient as 45% of this gets absorbed into the skin, which is too high of a percentage of a chemical in your bloodstream. SKIP while pregnant.
Chemical Sunscreens
Chemical sunscreens can have items like hydroquinone, parabens, oxybenzone within their ingredients causing endocrine disruption. We recommend trying these brands/products for sunscreen protection: BeautyCounter Dew Skin, BeautyCounter CounterSun Stick, and Blue Lizard Sunscreen
Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic and Lactic acid
Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic and Lactic acid are okay to use daily, but up to 2% of the active ingredient(s) which can be tricky, and most health professionals would advise to avoid it. SKIP!
USE THESE - Safe to Use
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is safe to use, and should be no surprise! I personally love vitamin C serums. It helps with treating dark spots and skin tone issues.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid is great for plumping and hydrating skin. It’s natural substances make it safe while pregnant and breastfeeding.
Niacinamide for reducing redness is safe.
Mineral sunscreens
Mineral sunscreens are safe, look for zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, as the main active ingredient.
Peptides are safe, but in moderation. I recommend checking with your health care providers before taking this.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are generally safe, but please consult with your healthcare provider first.
Day and Night Routine
I asked Robin about a skin care routine that could work with limited time. I know I have only ten minutes each morning to myself in the washroom before I head downstairs to get a jump start of the day. So she gave me practical and simple steps in achieving greatness. This is a day and night routine that takes only five minutes.
Easy 5 Minute Morning Routine
Moisturizer (+SPF during the day)
What about facial wipes? I asked her for my personal gain on this one… actually I pulled the “other moms do it” card because I secretly didn’t want her to know that I used them most of the time. Here’s her take on facial wipes – “Facial wipes for cleansing… big no. You can use a face wipe to take off your makeup, but then you have to cleanse your skin with a cleanser. Face wipes only wipe off the makeup or residue from the day but won’t actually clean your skin. You need to use a cleanser, post-wipe.”
So I guess I won’t be doing that anymore… I knew the time had come where my beloved wipes weren’t going to cut it, but I had to ask!
Unsure of an ingredient?
Do some research and ask your natural health care providers what they recommend. Your skin is a reflection of what’s happening inside of you, so it may not just be the products you put on your skin but what types of foods you enjoy and eat.
5 Foods to Support You and Your Skin
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Avocados are high in healthy fats. Many benefits for your body, and that includes your skin health.
Sweet potatoes have Beta carotene, found in plants, and it functions as a provitamin A, converting into vitamin A in your body.
Broccoli contains zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains Lutein which helps your skin from oxidative damage which can cause your skin to become dry.
Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C and contain lycopene. Lycopene, beta carotene and lutein have been shown to protect your skin against damage from the sun.
If you’re thinking of conceiving, are pregnant, breastfeeding or not pregnant - it’s always best to know what’s in our beauty products. Chemicals that get into our bloodstream can alter our hormones or even make already health conditions worse. In Alex’s “My 90 Day Fertility Plan” online course, she talks all about safe products for our skin, but also that we use in our home and around us! Cleaning up these products before you get pregnant can make a huge difference for your health and your growing babies!