Meditation 101
When I was young and we spoke about any form of meditation - I would think of this Buddha-like figure that would sit with their legs crossed, and staying really quiet. I had no idea what people were doing while they sat like that…
I grew up in a Catholic home, went to a Catholic elementary school, and in our household we didn’t talk about meditation, so my idea of meditation was distorted. It’s now been well over a decade since I was introduced to this beautiful practice and my heart thanks me.
Humans have been practicing meditation for thousands of years, and now in our modern world we still use it. This ancient tradition helps with managing stress, brings clarity to our thoughts and improves our overall wellness. Meditation can also help expecting mothers as it may reduce stress that can accompany bringing a little one into the world, such as emotional and physical change and challenges.
A study found that women that included yoga and meditation early into their pregnancy reduced their stress and anxiety by the time they delivered.
The benefits are slowly starting to be scientifically proven, but how we start our routine with this practice can look totally different for everyone.
There is no right or wrong way to meditate, and meditation comes in different forms, and finding a style that resonates with you will come with trying out various types.
Here are some types of mediation:
Guided meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Mantra Meditation
Visualization Meditation
Focused Meditation
Body Scan Meditation
Being consistent is key when starting your meditation practice. Setting some time during the day, every other day, even twice a week - can calm your nervous system down, and it doesn’t have to be long. If you miss a day – don’t worry.
Here are a few app tools that may help with your meditation:
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Insight Timer – Meditation app
Oak – Meditation and Breathing
I personally found many benefits with meditation, such as my night rest is different if I meditate. I get into a deep sleep and feel refreshed in the morning. I also found my clarity was different when I would meditate before a long busy day ahead of me. I'll wake up a little earlier before the household is awake, and just be present – focusing on my breath.
Here are some proven benefits for you science peeps.
Increase clarity
A Small guided step by step meditation to get you started…
First, get yourself to a quiet environment, and have any items you may want to include like a blanket, or pillow for you to sit on.
Have a seat, or lay down - your practice, your comfort zone. If you’re in a seated position, bring your hands onto your knees, or bring them to prayer pose. If you’re laying down you may place a hand on your heart and one on your stomach.
Close your eyes or have a soft gaze.
Start looking inwards, and slowing down your breath.
Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your nose
Being mindful of each breath, and getting deeper into the breath each time
If a thought or worries comes up, acknowledge them, and then try to release them. Concentrating on the breath.
You can end your practice with self loving words and then on your final exhales release the breath through your mouth to release any heat within the body.
In all honesty, it’s just showing up for yourself.
So, be kind to yourself.