Natural Remedies to Prevent Stretch Marks In Pregnancy!
Let me begin by saying, there is NOTHING wrong with stretch marks. I have some on my hips and my thighs from before pregnancy and there is no shame in them and I rock my stretch marks without thinking twice!
Studies suggest that stretch marks during pregnancy have a genetic component but there is lots you can do to prevent or minimize them! As a Crunchy Mama, we like to do all that we can to prevent things before they happen, right?! That way, I feel really good knowing I did all that I could. Why not do all that you can? There is no down side and no harm in it!
6 weeks Pregnant vs. 26 weeks Pregnant!
My skin is working hard for me!
More so then wanting to prevent stretch marks, I really wanted to make sure I was nourishing my skin from the inside and the outside during pregnancy. My skin is working hard for me! It is growing and stretching and is a protective layer for my Crunchy Baby. I want to make sure I am loving my skin the same way my skin loves me!
“I am 28 weeks pregnant and still haven’t had an itchy belly! I attribute this to these 6 things!”
How am I Nourishing My Skin From the Inside?
1. Filtered Water!
Lots and lots of high quality filtered water! We have a Berkey water filter which is amazing! It filters out more than 2000 contaminants from our drinking water! I love our Berkey!
I just drink to my natural thirst level. This can be difficult for some to know what their natural thirst levels are if they have been ignoring their natural hunger and thirst cues. This is more common than you would think! I drink about 3L of filtered water a day and as a Holistic Nutritionist I would say drinking no less than 2L a day while pregnant!
If you struggle with your mind body connection, work on it and get intuitive about your bodies! This is something I have been working on as a Crunchy Mama and have just recently (within the last year) have been able to tune into my body and its needs! Years of listening to society, diet culture, eating the standard American diet (many years ago before I turned all Crunchy!), body image issues and other things all contributed to me not listening to my body!
2. Whole Foods!
My diet is nourishing me from the inside out! I eat a whole foods diet. This includes no processed, refined or “fake” foods. I focus on high quality nutrient dense foods that feel good for my body! During my pregnancy, I haven't had any weird food cravings. I often get asked if I have “caved” and eaten something I wouldn't normally eat. I really hate this for soo many reasons! I don't feel restricted, I actually feel free eating the way I do! I don’t “caving” these foods since I don't want those foods. They don't nourish my body and there are numerous other whole foods that are high quality and nutrient dense that are even more delicious than their fake counterpart! This is a lifestyle not a “diet”! This way of eating truly nourishes our bodies from the inside and out and gives my skin and connective tissue the ability to stretch and grow!
I have been craving beautiful fresh fruit during my pregnancy! I have been eating lots of wild and organic berries, pineapple, mangos and apples! All so delicious!
3. Collagen!
I have been using collagen peptide powder for over 4 years now. I started using it when I was on my gut healing journey. Collagen helps heal and keep the gut lining strong. Having an autoimmune disease in my gut, Crohns, it was really important for me to heal and nourish my gut lining! Organika is the brand I have been using and I love it!
Collagen is so awesome for our hair, skin and nails but also for our connective tissue, joints, and gut lining! It also contains a conditionally essential amino acid called glycine! This means that this amino acid is only essential during pregnancy!
It nourishes our skin, supports our connective tissue that is also being stretched, provides us with an essential amino acid and keeps our gut health on point!
How am I Nourishing My Skin From the Outside?
Here are my 3 favorite non-toxic and natural products for my growing belly! I am always an advocate for avoiding harmful products that you put in your body, on your body and around your body but I truly think it is a MUST during pregnancy! The EWG did a study which showed newborn babies' cord blood has over 200 toxic chemicals, many known to be carcinogenic!! Avoiding toxic and unnatural products is really good for you health but also for your developing baby!
Not only do I care about the ingredients that are in my products but I also care about the companies! I always support companies that have morals and ethics. I believe we can vote with our dollars and buying products that are made sustainably, ethically and purchasing them from small, locally owned businesses makes a big difference. It makes a difference for everyone that is part of the supply chain but also makes a difference on an energetic level. Where you are putting and investing your energy matters and will make you and your baby vibrate higher or lower.
My Belly Care Routine!
Nourishing my skin from the outside has become more and more important as my belly is growing! I always apply these products at night, right before bed and use lots! I like to let it soak into my skin overnight.
In my first trimester, I used these maybe once or twice a week on my belly, hips, breasts and thighs.
In my second trimester, I roasted between them but applied one every night! All over my belly, hips, breasts and thighs, all the places that are growing!
In my third trimester, I am going to be even more diligent and keep up with my nightly routine and incorporate some additional applications in the mornings, depending on how I'm feeling.
Here are my Favorite 3 Natural and Non-toxic Products I put on my Belly!
1. Belly Butter
This is my favorite one, Mamaa Shea Butter! The ingredients are clean, natural and soo lovely! Since I use it at night, I love the lavender to help me wind down and have a deep and restorative sleep! This one comes in different scents do if lavender is not your thing they have other scents!!
Since this Body Butter is whipped, it is nice and light and easy to put on! I apply lots of this stuff and I love it!!
2. Homemade Lotion
This is my homemade lotion that my husband and I have been using for years. It's simple, non-toxic and super inexpensive! All it is, is coconut oil and pure essential oils! I melt organic, unrefined coconut oil and mix in my favorite essential oil, which is lavender. I have a lavender obsession! I then pour them into little jars and store them all over the house. It is great for any part of your body! I find this is very very hydrating for my belly, hips, breasts and thighs. I lather my body before bed, put on my bedtime shirt and let all of that goodness soak into my skin!
3. Belly Oil
I added this one into my skin care routine later in my second trimester. I really like this one for massages and connecting with the baby. Chris gives me belly massages a few times a week which is so nice for me, Chris and our baby! It helps him connect to our baby and feels sooo relaxing and comforting to me, especially on those days that my belly is feeling heavy and my body is sore! This is the Belly Oil we use, Earth Mama Organics. The ingredients are amazing, non-toxic and all natural and it has a very mild scent which is nice!
So there you have it, from one Crunchy Mama to another… these are my favorite things that nourish my skin are not harmful or toxic to our Crunchy babies or us! Keeping us healthy and strong during our pregnancy while growing the healthiest little Crunchy Baby we possible can!
Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. I do not get any compensation for this. I am sharing with you my favorite, safe and effective products I use on my own pregnant body!
Let me know in the comments below what you are doing to nourish your skin during pregnancy!!