Spring Cleaning for your Hormones: What to Keep, What to Dump and What to Add!
Spring has begun, and every year around this time I get the need to clean up before I start opening the windows daily, and embracing the fresh air.
I thought about all the products I used over the last years, and the more I learnt about them, the more I started removing some items from my cabinet.
I even created some of my own household cleaning products using simple ingredients, but when my daughter asked me which cleaning items she can use to clean I cringed. When I thought of giving her something I wasn’t totally comfortable with - it hit me. If I wasn’t comfortable with my child handling some of the products I bought at the store - why was I cleaning her room, stuff and our home with them? I started looking at the ingredients with a different focus, and finally I realized it was time to ditch them and introduce natural alternatives, and eco-friendly products. A friend had told me about an app called ThinkDirty, a user friendly platform, that helps you navigate through products by giving you access to their database on ratings based on ingredients that have been submitted. So far I love it.
I was using bleach for my bathtubs. Bleach is a chlorine-based corrosive chemical element that causes irritation to the skin, lungs and eyes. One study shows when workers are exposed to chlorine within their jobs they experience occupational asthma, and prolonged exposure to toxic substances can have permanent effects on our respiratory system.
I personally found that if I didn’t ventilate our house well enough after using it, it would linger, and cause more discomfort as my family members would express that their heads would start hurting. I felt that wasn’t fair on them and myself. I can’t always control everything but I could control what types of products I used and bought within our home.
Add Vinegar!
I use white vinegar to also clean my kitchen sink, and floors as it’s a gentle disinfect. We need the right amount of “good” bacteria to build healthy microbiomes, and one study correlates that our microbiome health links with diseases that can impact our quality of life. So dump bleach and try white vinegar.
I love the smell of clean clothes, but I’m not a fan of chemical overloads that stay on my clothing and end up on my skin. Dryer sheets contain fragrance(s) and other types of chemicals that interfere with your hormones. In one study, they tested five brand name dryer sheets and found that they released 15 endocrine disrupting compounds and chemicals.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere or damage our body’s ability to secrete and/or eliminate hormones. This disruption directly affect our reproductive system, can cause birth defects, neurological harm and immune dysfunction.
Even if you opt out of and get fragrance free sheets they still contain ingredients not disclosed. Fragrances also contain xenestrogens. Xenestrogens are a sub-category of endocrine disruptors group that act specifically like estrogen – but they’re not. When xenoestrogen get into the body they increase the amount of estrogen causing estrogen dominance. Exenoestrgoens have been linked to breast, testicular cancer, infertility, miscarriages and diabetes.
Add Wool Balls!
I replaced my dryer sheets for 100% wool balls. Making them cost efficient, softening your laundry loads, and reducing static. You can also add essential oils like lavender too!
You can find them on Bioterra Eco Shop, Esty , or Amazon
Picture from: https://www.littlebeausheep.com/products/wool-dryer-balls-pack-of-3-english-sheep-breed/
Not a fan of the wool dryer balls? Add Dryer Cloths!
Try dryer cloths! My friend told me about the brand she uses, Purecosheet reusable dryer sheets, and the idea is you’d use two dryer sheets together in your loads and it’s re-usable up to over 500 loads. The brand also promotes its safe for allergies as its 100% hypoallergenic, safe for people who suffer from eczema and ideal for baby’s sensitive skin.
Sponges are actually scary when you think about what could lurk on them, and especially if you don’t change them as often as you should. One study done by microbiologist, Markus Egert, and his team in Germany revealed they found 362 different species of bacteria in sponges that they’ve collected. “That’s the same density of bacteria you can find in human stool samples,” Dr. Egert said. “There are probably no other places on earth with such high bacterial densities.”
Um… excuse me while I throw out my 2 week old dish sponge…
Add Swedish Dishcloths!
Try Swedish dishcloths! They’re an eco-friendly sponge alternative, and even paper towel! I found these by mistake while I was living aboard in Kazakhstan, and I haven’t looked back. They absorb very well, are flexible and you can throw them right into the wash when they get yucky. You can find them at Eco-Refillary, Esty, or Amazon– even your local stores could have it if you just browse around.
Photo by: https://www.eco-refillary.ca/products/citrus-lemon-sponge-cloth?_pos=3&_sid=583b04b1a&_ss=r
When I started to use white vinegar on the regular, I decided It was time to dedicate a bottle and label my homemade multipurpose cleaner. I felt accomplished to be honest and thrilled how easy it was! I also could pick the smells I wanted with essential oils I already had. Lavender and tea tree oil have several disinfectant properties so bonus on smell, and functionality. I tried a few and my personal favorites are lavender, lemon and tea tree.
I’ve experienced my sinks clogged and not draining properly… I’ve been guilty of letting this chemical cleaner that consists of aluminum, salt, bleach, lye, and sodium nitrate into our washrooms. The truth though, it may relieve the problem temporarily, but at a price on our health as it irritates our lungs, and creates skin reactions.
It also damages existing plumbing, and extended uses of Drano can lead your pipes to corrode, crack and fall apart. Even once it’s poured into our sinks it has to go somewhere right? Well, it exits into our plumbing and sewage system contaminating the water supply that affects our environment and creatures within it if in contact.
Ditch the Drano and try these two home remedies:
I have two solutions you can try and most likely will have the products already. For small clogs I suggest combining ½ cup of salt with 3-4 liters of water. Pour that salt solutions down the drain and let it sit there for 15-20 minutes. Add hot water down the drain as it will help the salt dissolve and soften the clog. Repeat if needed.
For the second solution it's meant for larger clogs, and this time we're adding baking soda and vinegar. Add a ½ cup of baking soda, and a cup of vinegar to the water-salt solution and then let it sit for 15-20 minutes. When the bubbling starts happening it means it’s working. When the bubbling has calmed down – pour hot water down the drain. *Do not use boiled hot water on plastic pipes as it can melt them.
These are small changes that are achievable, and small steps are great because it’s not overwhelming and it’s cost efficient. Working towards making your home less toxic and eco-friendly feels good. Now I’m off to find other things I can switch out and improve around my house, not just for my feelings, but also for the safety of my family.
So the next time my daughter asks if she can use some cleaning supplies, I can say yes without cringing.