Preparing for Pregnancy e-Program!
Have you been trying to get pregnant but only getting negative pregnancy tests?
Are you thinking about growing your family?
Preparing for Pregnancy e-Program is a self-paced, online program that helps you optimize your health and boost your fertility to help you get pregnant! This e-program also reduces your risk of miscarriages, corrects any nutritional deficiencies to ensure your baby has all the nutrients required to grow and helps you have a healthy pregnancy!
Alex Muirhead has created this online program to address all areas of your life that impact your fertility such as your cycle, sleep, movement, mindset, nutrition and more. It’s based on scientific research and her experience in practice.
Who is this e-Program for?
Thinking about getting pregnant in the next 12 months
Have been trying but haven’t been able to get pregnant yet
Worried about whether or not they can get pregnant
Worried about miscarriages
Have a pre-existing health condition/illness (IBS, autoimmune disease, diabetes, PCOS, endometriosis, etc)
Have irregular, short or long cycles
Have painful periods
Experience PMS
Have digestive issues (heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea)
This e-Program helps address any underlying health issue that interferes with your fertility. A body system that is out of balance and not functioning properly can have a really big impact on your ability to get pregnant. This e-program identifies if you have any imbalances and provides you with the proper tools to rebalance that system.
What does the e-Program Include?
8 modules, each covering an important area for fertility
3 bonus modules
Easy to understand information
Step-by-step guides
Personalized supplements
& more!
Each module contains a video of Alex Muirhead educating you on that particular topic and a step-by-step guide to help you implement everything you learnt in that video! In addition, she has created specialized worksheets and compiled resources pertaining to that module!
Are you Interested in Learning More About the e-Program?
If you are….then click HERE or follow Alex Muirhead on Instagram, @alexmmuirhead . She has lots of information about her e-program and why it works.
PS. Discount for Launch Week!!
The e-program is 25% off during launch week!
When is launch week?? September 8th to 14th!
Use the promo code LAUNCH at check out for 25% off!