Meditation & Women’s Health
“Your goal is not to battle with the mind, But to witness the mind.”
Women are Multitasking Machines
I had you at Multitask right ladies? There are actually so many studies showing that women are better at multitasking than men ( it’s quite obvious). All jokes aside, our lives as women are typically high stress lifestyles. Our days consist of 3 out of 4 of the stove tops running, getting meals for the kids and significant other, dealing with our jobs, making sure the house is spotless, doing laundry, and the list could go on forever! And our minds are just never in one spot, we are too busy thinking about everything else but ourselves and this is why women should practice meditation more often. Meditation is the practice of reducing stress, so what other health benefits are involved?
Other Health Benefits of Meditation
Brain empowerment
Mind focus
Mood enhancement
Feeling more connected
Boosts immune system
Increases energy
Good for heart health
These are just a few benefits there are so so many more benefits of Meditation!
Meditation and Hormones
Meditation Can Keep Cortisol and Adrenaline in Check
Fight-or-flight reaction is programmed into our bodies so that we can defend ourselves or get away from danger. Adrenaline works to increase your heart rate and blood pressure, while cortisol increases the sugar in your bloodstream, lowers your immune system, and slows your digestion. Meditation actually shows to steady your heart rate and blood pressure temporarily.
Meditation Can Increase Melatonin Levels
Melatonin is one of the two hormones that controls your sleep and wake cycles, and your body has its own internal clock that controls how much is produced. When we are stressed out, our melatonin levels decrease closer to bed which makes it harder to sleep.
Meditation May Raise DHEA Levels
DHEA plays an important role in stress and aging by reducing inflammation. When we get stressed out, our levels of the hormone decrease. Some studies have been done that women had higher DHEA levels when practicing meditation consistently.
Being Mindful in Today’s Society is Vital
Today's society is overpowered by technology and we get so distracted by one tiny buzz on our phones! Practicing mindfulness is so easy and you can do it anywhere. When you're driving, walking, at home. Try not to let your mind wander, when you are in a meeting, pay attention to what's being said. When you're on a date, pay attention to the person in front of you. When you are with your children, pay attention to your children. Whatever you may be doing, do it fully. Do not let technology control your attention, you are in charge.
Do you think that you will incorporate meditation into your daily routine?